Healthy lunch ideas

Hello fitfam,

     I apologize for not being able to post the last couple of days. I hope you're on track and enjoying the adaptation of the new lifestyle. 

Today, I'll be posting healthy lunch ideas to have your diet in check.

1. Salmon


If you took notice, you'll find that in most of my blogs, I always start with healthy fats. The fact that, when dieting, we tend to neglect all types and kinds of fat in our diet although its the most essential. Salmon makes the perfect complex with steamed veggies and rice. 

2. Grilled chicken


The most known diet plate! Grilled chicken is found in almost all restaurants so you can always be on track in your outings. 

3. Tawook & kofta 

My personal favorites! Who's ready for a Bbq party? 

4. Couscous


Its always fun to try different cuisines. This Moroccan plate nailed it. Healthy, delicious grains along with chicken and veggies.

5. Bolognese 


Yes, its healthy! There's nothing wrong with minced meat rich in tomato sauce on a glowy white spaghetti for lunch. 

6. Tortillas 


Make sure to get wholewheat tortillas with healthy fillings. Favorite: Roasted chicken, veggies, jalapeño, and low fat or organic sauce (optional) opt for maximum 1TBS.



The easiest on the go food option. Just a can of tuna! Add onions, pepper, lemon, and salt for a yummy in my tummy plate. Tuna is high in protein, about 30gs of protein/ can.

8. Steak


  With Love,


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